TrypScore for Business

Drive your business forward with customer insights

As a Community Champion partner of the 100 Safest Days, you’ll enjoy exclusive access to this powerful and innovative tool. The TrypScore for Business Dashboard measures engagement across Pyn locations listed on TrypScore. This includes metrics such as the number of passersby, visit durations, age ranges, and genders, providing valuable insights into your audience.

Here's how it works

Put your locations in the TrypScore app and reward users for driving by safely.

TrypScore lives at the heart of our mission. It’s the home for drivers to better their driving, view their community maps, and engage with local brands.

As a partner when you sponsor locations in the app, our drivers will be encouraged to visit your locations to collect Pyns. When they drive safely through the 500 metre perimeter of your location, they start collecting Pyns to earn rewards. This creates a positive, high-frequency association with your brand.

Measure success, unlock Insights, and drive growth to your business.

TrypScore for Business Dashboard measures the engagement of your Pyn locations in the app.

Track key metrics of the campaign such as traffic driving by, store visits, and customer demographics to understand your audience better. With detailed analytics at your fingertips, you can make informed decisions to optimize your marketing strategies and drive business growth.

Upholding the privacy and safety of our communities

Designed with safety and security in mind, our platforms provide privacy for our drivers through de-identified data. All personal information, driving data, and driver locations are kept safe and are non-negotiably private. Our drivers keep our roads safe, so we keep their data safe.

Contact us

Let's better our roads together!

Curious to learn more about our solutions? Get in touch with us, and we’ll be happy to discuss them with you.